so i broke my promise

Mar 18, 2009 11:03

well i feel like i really have to announce that i'm leaving for Mexico today so i won't be on until i manage to get to a cousin that has good internet hopefully we stop by miriam's or jr.'s first instead of my grandma's

well anyways this is my last post FOR SURE until 3 more requests are made on that meme (if you want to request after 6 PM [my time] then you can also request stuff from my cousin's house)

btw i am addicted to mikan again but i really hate it that my ipod wouldn't take any momosu songs for some stupid reason anyways i feel like doing this meme xD

List your top ten favorite celebrities at the moment and answer the questions below.
1. Ruki (The GazettE)
2. Whatshisname [that’s what I call him since I never remember his actual name] (Panic Channel)
3. Shingo (Sugar)
4. Mikaru (DiO)
5. Takuya [wtf, why is he #5 I thought  he was higher?!?!!?] (An Cafe)
6. Teru (Versailles - Philharmonic Quintent-)
7. Reita [he should be higher too] (The GazettE)
8. Teruki (An Cafe)
9. Uruha (The GazettE)
10. Joe (My Children My Bride)

So what do you like most about 2? (whatshisname)
t tell the truth I don’t even know why he’s #2 I guess lately I’ve been feeling really close to him even though I don’t know his name but he’s a wonderful singer and I wish to dress like him but I doubt my mom would let me dress in guys clothing D:

If you could do anything to 4, what would it be? (Mikaru)
I think I would like to play soul calibur IV against him while chatting about random stuff, I dunno why but to me he just seems like the type to play those games and I enjoy to talk while playing stuff….unless it’s during one of those moving puzzles @o@

Who would you choose between 5 and 7? (Takuya and Reita)
that is seriously one of the hardest choices of my life but for some reason I always picture reita hating me so I will choose Takuya

Out of a ten, how much would you rate 1? (Ruki)
…there is no number to describe how he is to me…….

What do you find most attractive about 1?(Ruki)
……his voice is the reason why I didn’t die as much as a did several years ago (wow this is turning out depressing)

If you could go out with 3, what type of date would you go on? (Shingo)
for some reason I want to go to a manga café with him xD

If 8 was a type of season, which season would it be? (Teruki)
Spring since it’s a time of happiness that can also be kind of bad when it’s cold

Why is 10 not higher up your list? (Joe)
because he was a last resort xD

So what does 10 have to do to be brought higher up? (Joe)
make a song that’ll get my attention

What would the ideal situation be for you for 2 and 4? (whatshisname and Mikaru)
……I imagine them playing soccer together after shopping together while pink cherry is playing in the background

Which two people would you want to be stuck with on a desert island?
Ruki and Shingo, ruki will keep us focused with what we’re supposed to do and I need someone with similar interests to keep me happy xD

Marry, shag or kiss - 4, 6, 8? (Mikaru, Teru, Teruki)
Marry: Teru (I just can’t imagined getting married to Mikaru or Teruki O_O)
Shag: Mikaru (he’s too much of a perv already xD)
Kiss: Teruki

What do you hate most about 7? (Reita)
he looks really mean at times xD

Have you ever thought how you'll react when you meet 3? (Shingo)
I already met him xD I’m happy to say that my bass has been touched (AND PLAYED) by him

Have you seen 1 and 2 together on tv before? (Ruki and whatshisname)

Have you ever dreamt about 6? (Teru)
I’m pretty sure that I have at least once

Who would you take to a prom/ball with you?
Teru, one time I imagined that he was my chambelan (I’m sure I misspelled) if I ever had a quienceniera.

Cuddle, glomp, or kiss 1, 3, 5? (Ruki, Shingo and Takuya )
Cuddle: Shingo (I connect with him the most)
Glomp: Takuya
Kiss: Ruki (I only put him here since I ran out of options xD)

mexico, meme

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