i shouldn't be on the phone while doing this

Mar 16, 2009 21:48

so i felt like changing my layout but i was on the phone with kelsey so i'm pretty sure i screwed up

oh yeah as you can tell i'm finally home from nessa's b-day weekend, i was the only one who stayed the whole time xD but we had fun so no matter

and angel's grandpa finally died so all of us are going to Mexico sometime this week and he said that the funeral won't be until the weekend so i will hopefully be able to post more often

and i'm in a 'meh' mood so the post isn't really that great but earlier i almost died since i entered to win a signed board from Kanon, i really hope i win...or at least get aknowlaged

anyways i'm just gonna go credit the person who made my layout (i should have done that before posting) and then i'm gonna go play more DS

mexico, vannessa, kanon

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