Egg Bomb

Jan 11, 2009 19:18

sorry i;'ve been gone for a while, this weekend was sort of busy (sor-of busy meaning that i wasn't being too lazy to do my algebra how [which only got halfway completed] but so busy i wasn't even able to check my mail...which i haven't gotten any new comments)

so yesterday i went to my sister to a co-worker's baby shower (she was the sister of my 1st grade teacher) and it was more fun than i expected, i didn't win any games but i got to hear some funny stories, in fact i'll post pics later....later meaning when my sister gets those pics xD and when we got hoem my ssiter decided to sleepover so we could watch 'In Her Shoes' (we love that movie) and ASDAGHFELIUGKSFHGJFS I GOT 100% ON MY ITEMS LIST IN TWEWY!!!!! 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and my little trophy was a Rhyme graphic on my save screen so now i'm only missing 2-3 more things...i wonder what they're gonna be....

and today i sort of woke up late (1 PM) and we watch Train_Man, it was like one of the BEST japanese movies i have EVER seen (which really isn't that much like maybe 5?) but anyways i really love it ^ω^ it really is the movie for all the geeks/nerds/losers who hope to fall in love, but i sort of hated the ending xD like really i was so shocked i was like "THIS MOVIE DOES NOT DESERVE MY TEARS!!!!!! o(`ε´)=====〇" so i was like....yeah, oh wait!!! imma ask Vennessa if i could go over to make her watch the movie :3

and i'm hoping to watch the twilight movie today (since it's like Movie weekend this weekend)

oh i got a cute memo/notebook that i put some HK stickers on and i might subscribe to AI becasue i hope to get more updates on j-rock stuff (and i found out that NANA might get translated to english this year) so imma search for Hangy Angry (hello! project) after this post

well i think i'm done with this post...oh yes i need to find out if someone has merry making in AVI (or any other video file) cuz i wanna make it into MP4 :DDD *loves converting*

hello! project, movies, nana, twewy, vannessa, diana

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