Aug 21, 2008 17:25

today was the spartan rush meanig the freshmen could go get their books, lockets, etc. and even thoguh i like went at the earliest time (which was like 7 AM) like EVERYONE was there i even alreayd made two friends who like anime so i'll probobly get them into GazE and such and OMG i like went all huggy mode and like hugged sean like 5 times!!!! XD and one time he even fell down since we where like at lunch and instead of benches there's round seats which i admit are cool so yeah so far me and my friends are all planning to join the anime club (well maybe 3 won't since they're not really INTO anime and such but might join just for fun) but sean might now join since he's gonna be so busy this year ;O; so i was like "NUUUUUU!!!! *huggles*" and he was like "well i want to take cosmotalogy and that takes up time <.<" and i was like "FINE but you have to do my hair and nails like a pretty boys!!!! >D" so yeah i might be his dummy for class xD and even ryan was there even though he's in his 2nd year, apperently he forgot to take the pics for the yearbook or something so he came to take it and i was like "LET'S BOTHER ANGEL TOGETHER 8D" and he was like "oh we will >D"

and OMG when we where driving to the mall (my mom wanted to buy jeans) i saw a sign saying "guitars. 50% off!!!" and i was like "OMG MOM!!! CAN WE GO THERE, CAN WE GO THERE PLEASE?!!?!?!?!?!!? >O<" and she was like "sure >_<'''' " and so we parked and we went inside and the store was smallish but OMG THE WALLS AND CEILING WERE COVERED WITH GUITARS!!!! and so i was like "do you sell guitar basses here?" and the dude was like "sure" and he showed me this one, it was ok but it was heavy for a bass and i really wanted one that looked like reita's so then we like tested it out (me by plucking a few strings and him by playing a part of a song) so then i was like "do you guys have anymore?" and he was like "sure let me go get it" so he went and came back moments later WITH A BASS THAT LOOKS LIKE REITA'S!!!!! so naturally i was like "MOM CAN WE BUY IT PLEASE?!!?!?!?!" and she was like"well how does it cost?" and the dude was like "well by itself this one would cost like $130 and with the amp it costs $100 more but then it would be a package so it would come with a free pick, case and shoulder strap" so i was like OMG YAY!!!!!!! and we convined my mom to get it but since we don't exactly have $200 something on us we put it on layway so i got to keep the book in the pick (GUESS WHAT THE PICK RESEMBLES!!!! and did i mention that the book comes with a DVD?) while the rest is just in the reserved stacks and i'm allowed to come in any day to come in play it only i thin i might only go like 2 days a week because i want to actually do my homework and such

also i saw drumsticks and i was like "didn't jenny say she needed some new ones a while ago?" and i was like "she would be happy if i bought her those :D" but i didn't because we are like broke now xD and i was looking though the book in the car and i was looking at the tabs an i was like "it seems the hardest part would be fingering and remembering which string is which" since i can already read a staff (thank god for choir) so yeah and then i'm going to try to ask for tabs so i won't be trying to figure things out in the songs and make it sound bad

also imma send reita fanmail saying how i'm following in his footsteps which reminds me the bass i'm getting is a california since a fender (did i spell it right?) costs like $500-600 O_O

another note: if me and jenny do make a band this might be the possible line up in a few years (this is with the facts that i'm putting people that i know)

Me: Bass/possible vocals, most likely back up vocals
Jenny: keyboardist/drummer
Sean: guitarrist sicne it seems like he knows quite a bit
Rossy: guitarrist if she actually manages to learn/ possible vocals

so yeah

high school, friends, rossy, bass, band, sean

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