(no subject)

Aug 13, 2008 09:32

i just had a scary dream ;_;

GazE were like in a hotel place (a very shabby looking hotel place) and ruki is being a meanie and being pissed of with mostly everyone but mostly urupon so then after practice (they manage to get through thanks to ruki bottling up his emotions and everyone else not messing up) ruki wants to talk to urupon alone so they head up to another floor and then go to a dirty room (no really there was like holes on the walls) and then ruki's being all freaky and urupon's like really freaked out (i don't remember much of the dialog before this happens) when ruki suddenly smashes his head on the wall and he doesn't even look affected by it even though there's like blood all over his face and it's running down his neck

then he faces urupon who of course is like "omgomgomgomgomgomg O_O" (he's speechless) and ruki like "this is what i want to do to you uruha...8) " while licking some of the blood on his face so then he grabs urupon by his hair and while urupon is crying now and begging for ruki to leave him alone (he knows it's coming and you know it too) ruki uses his other hand to draw a circle with a x in the middle with HIS OWN FREAKING BLOOD and then he pulls uruha up to eye level ands like "are you ready?" while urupon is still begging for his life and then ruki just smashes urupon's head into the wall!!! and i'm like 'OMG NUUUU' (i always have dreams in third person so i'm in control of the camera) so then i try to see if urupon has blood on his face and i can't see and i see is that his face has like a shocked look and then he just falls on the floor while ruki looks like a madman O_O

then reita comes up and i'm like 'NOTICE THE BLOOD AND URU!!!!!' but being the idiot he is he's like 'come on ruki let's go, do you have any idea how many stairs i had to climb?!' (he had to climb like 7 xD ) and ruki's like all happy and leaves along and everyone else and some staff members just laugh and were like 'stop having fun with urupon xD' while they have no idea what happened on the 9th floor

and now i'm skipping a few details since i don't remember much but they meet up with the other j-rockers while this random girl bails on them just to go shop at 104 with hizaki and hide (apparently he's alive in my dream O_o ) but i think this girl is ruki's accomplice and SHE'S GONNA KILL HIZAKI!!!!!

the gazette, dream

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