Aug 02, 2008 18:49
About Me Survey
The Basics
1. Name: Carolina/Carrie/Zuzu/tokyo/missy/caro
2. Age: 14
3. Birthday: July 1st
4. EyeColor: brown
5. Hair Color: brown/black/red (but it's really pale since i haven't redyed in like a year xD)
6. Height: ._. i shoudl be taller than 5' 4" but some people say i'm 5' 3" and some say i'm 5' 5" or 5' 6"
7. Work At: my computer xD
Family and Friends
8. I have more Girl or Guy Friends: i would say girls
9. Best Friend: JENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
10. Loudest Friend:
11. I have a Big Family or Small Family: i would say medium?
12. Number of Brothers and Sisters: 2 (one girl and one guy)
13. Movie: it tends to change so i don't really know.....
14. Color: RAINBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15. Number: 3, 4, 7, 20-29 (GUESS WHY PEOPLE)
16. Name: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............. i've been attached to the name alice recently......
17. Song: GOD WHY THE HARD QUESTIONS!?!?!?!!? well right now i'm in a The Take Over, The Break's Over mood
Have I Ever
18 Fallen in Love: yes ;o;
19. Kissed my Best Friend: no...though i have thought about it ._.;;;
20. Skipped School: well i skipped a class before....
21. Been in a Fight: yes in like 3rd grade xD
22. Done the Robot Dance: ....never
Last Person I
23. Kissed: no one
24. Called: angel but i want to call nia
25. Instant Messaged: i don't have a cell phone....
26. Told I Loved: jenny xD
27. Yelled At: most likely a imaginary version of my dad....
Random Questions Survey
Random About Me.
1. Are you moody?: sometimes
2. What makes you mad?: a lot of things but i try not to get mad....
3. Your favorite song?: at the moment it's Shout & Bites
4. Prefer cats or dogs?: kitties!!! :3 ♥
5. What color would you never dye your hair?: .....i don't know...probobly green...oh wait green is in rainbow.....i dunno D:
6. Favorite drink?: cherry soda!!!! =3
7. Do you kiss and tell?: well it depends who it was that i kissed and who would i tell (like i wouldn;t tell my dad no matter what but i would tell jenny)
Random Family and Friends
8. Who is your number 1 friend?: JENNY!!! (and in real life vannesa)
9. Talk with your mom or dad more?: my sister? i barely talk to my parents D:
10. Who is your craziest friend?: nia for sure....well maybe homer...can we have a boy and girl category?
11. Which friend would you have a dance off with?: jenny because she wouldn't laugh at my non dancing...well sean wouldn't either...
12. How many of your friends have you kissed?: none
Random Favorite
13. Cookie: m&m <3
14. Saying/Quote: 'yes yes'
15. Monopoly piece: i don't remember D:
16. Boyband: ....??? i thought they didn't exist anymore D:
17. Actor: i have no idea D: but i liked that lady who played alex in charlie's angels :D
Random Have I Ever
18. Tripped and then pretended to be jogging: nope i never tripp unless i'm on skates and you can't exactly jog on those D:
19. Blamed an animal for a smell I made: no
20. Got caught in a ridiculous lie: yes xD
21. Spoke with a fake accent: yeah
22. Worn pants that where way way to tight: my mom and sister forced me D:
Random Last Person I
23. Gave the finger to: i don't remember but last time i did it i was imitating ruki :D
24. Ate lunch with: angel (we had lunch today)
25. Stood up: no one
26. Winked at: no one
27. Wanted to die a horrible death: my dad D: