it wasn't suppose to be like this

Aug 09, 2009 22:56

i mean he had his whole life ahead of him!!! oh god why did he have to die, why couldn't he take me instead, really he was in a successful band, he had adoring fans, people who loved him HE WAS THE FIRST VK PERSON I SAW FOR LIFE HE SHOULDN'T HAVE DIED!!! GOD I NEVER GOT TO SAY ANYTHING if i knew this was going to happen two years ago i would have tried to say something like even though i don't know you that well i still admire you a lot...THIS SHOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED I SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST STOPPED LISTENING BEFORE ANYTHING LIKE THIS HAPPENED BUT GOD...

man....i don't even know what's worse, knowing that he died like this or not knowing what's going to happen to the rest...I MEAN GOD WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN?!

jasmine you, versailles

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