3 good things

Jul 13, 2009 19:24

1. i made a new friend so hello cassandrablue !!! we met through her post about an cafe and it already feels like i've known you as long as some of my other friends but really i wish i was able to go to that concert with you and your friend

2. well as most of the an cafe fans know their new release got on youtube so i was able to convert it so i could get it in my ipod and finally watch it and i must say i love the dance xD i'm trying to memorize it at the moment and takkun's always so adorble but i loved yuuki's mini piano and i think kanon's girly look is starting to grow on me so that's always good!!!

3. well i'm finally gonna post my mini story titled "Ruki's Fits" those who talk to me on msn almost everyday should already know most of the story (since it was born on MSN) so yeah here it is!!!

Carrie says:
Yuu says:
D: ehhh
Carrie says:
haha she looks like she's 9-11 and she's like to his chest xD
Carrie says:
lol so funny xD
Carrie says:
which is funny because that means that i was pretty much his height when i met him xD
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
yeah so it's really funny to me
Carrie says:
and i'm so glad teru had a bigger part in the solo ;w;
Yuu says:
i wonder how tall he must be then D:
Carrie says:
well according to the doctor i'm around 5'3 1/2" but also it seems i'm still not done growing
Yuu says:
so he might be 5'5-5'7?
Carrie says:
Yuu says:
still so much taller than i am D:
Yuu says:
at least i'm taller than keiyuu. D;
Carrie says:
awww i'll make sure i grow enough for the two of us!!!
Yuu says:
Yuu says:
then i'll just make aoi carry me on his back so i can be fake tall
Carrie says:
yes!!!! but make sure not to pull off a ruki and stand next to the body guard
Yuu says:
D: that's pretty much what i look like next to my sister
Yuu says:
so it's hard.  that picture always makes me lol though
Carrie says:
i know
Carrie says:
i think i have it on my ipod xD
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
i'll print it and make him sign it xD
Carrie says:
he'll probably throw a fit later on xd
Yuu says:
D: i wonder how he'd feel about that.
Carrie says:
he'll demand it to be deleted from photobucket
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
but then the fansites and a whole bunch of other places still have it xD
Carrie says:
and he'll throw another fit
Carrie says:
and in order to calm him down kai is forced to take him shopping
Yuu says:
and he spends a lot of money and throws yet another fit?
Carrie says:
haha yes
Carrie says:
and he ends up making a song were he shows the sorrows of being short and broke
Carrie says:
in order to go to the thingy to be measured
Carrie says:
and prove to the doctor
Carrie says:
that he got taller
Carrie says:
and it turns out....
Carrie says:
it was his new shoes that he bought during the fit that made him taller
Yuu says:
Yuu says:
so he throws a fit?
Carrie says:
Carrie says:
and the whole cycle repeats itself
Carrie says:
and that is the story of 'Ruki's fits'
Carrie says:
i should publish it :3
Carrie says:
it'll become the most read story on the internet xD
Yuu says:
Yuu says:
then he'll throw a fit because he doesn't throw that many fits
Yuu says:
or so he claims
Carrie says:
Carrie says:
and that further helps my story
Carrie says:
by helping me create a sequel
Carrie says:
that holds twice as many fits
Carrie says:
and twice the koron
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
Carrie says:
and then ruki finds out that i was the one who wrote which inspired a sequel to the sequel
Carrie says:
'Ruki's adventure to find the person half his age yet taller than him'
Yuu says:
xDDD like every american 14 year old
Carrie says:
yes (well 15 now) and in the last 2-5 chapters
Carrie says:
he finds out that i've been in japan ever since the sequel
Carrie says:
and the band that i'm in is now   the newest addition to indie psc
Carrie says:
and so he throws another fit because he had to pay for the plane ticked
Carrie says:
and most of the people didn't believe he was over 18
Carrie says:
so it was very troublesome
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
so he comes back and throws more fits
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
and demands that i take him shopping and give him money worthy of 2 plane tickets to Texas
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
and that is the end of the series 'Ruki's fits and the money he wastes'
Yuu says:
ahahahaha oh god
Carrie says:
the best selling books in the world
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
i wonder how ruki would react if he ever read
Carrie says:
Yuu says:
no idea
Carrie says:
he'd probably throw a fit xD
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
yes and then he'd probably try to make that nightmare where he made me cry come true D:
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
but then momma comes and rescues me
Carrie says:
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
it's not momma it's URUDUCKIE
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
since he knows of my crazy imagination due to the e-mail that i sent him before 'Ruki's fits' were published
Carrie says:
and he attempts to bite ruki with his pringle beak because he made his youngest sister cry
Yuu says:
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
and them momma and oppa come and ground him
Carrie says:
'no fit throwing for a month!!!!'
Yuu says:
then he throws a fit
Carrie says:
yes but he does it while walking koron so he won't get into more trouble
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
but Panic channel see him and they rat him out for the lulz
Yuu says:
D: awwww
Carrie says:
Carrie says:
and so inorder to punish him without him throwing a fit
Carrie says:
they 'accidentally' seal his mouth shut
Carrie says:
i dunno how but they do it
Carrie says:
it turns out aoi was a ninja
Yuu says:
D: whuttt for real?!
Carrie says:
yes and he has awesome ninja skills
Yuu says:
oh no
Carrie says:
which is the reason why the house was always clean so no one would throw a fit
Carrie says:
and he makes ruki appear taller
Carrie says:
so ruki won't throw fits
Yuu says:
: D
Carrie says:
but it wears off whenever he falls asleep
Carrie says:
so when he took a nap someone that wanted profit/lulz took pics of him
Carrie says:
and then another cycle of 'ruki's adventures and fits' happen
Yuu says:
D: oh gawd
Carrie says:
it is the never ending cycle
Carrie says:
it's the circle of life
Yuu says:
Carrie says:
and that really is the end of today's funny story

i used several cuts so it wouldn't screw up xD hopefully it doesn't.....

and since no one else guess on the meme i'm gonna put toe quotes and then the answers, becuase i hate unfinished memes xD

4. as much as i miss your neon rainbow butt please don't put it in my face again and WOW i did not imagine you being one year younger than my mom DDDD8 (in a way i hope i talked about his neon butt in a post filled with pics)
Answer: Takuya Angel, Hint: http://usagirainbow.livejournal.com/92792.html#cutid1

5. please try to be more upfront in the pvs i hate having to fish out your cute face among all the dancing (if someone does not get this i will kill them)
Answer: JunJun, Hint: there really isn't one but momosu's the only group where you really do confuse everyone

6. please try to move #5 more upfront and wow you've been upfront alot of times why arn't you leader?
Answer: Tanaka Reina, Hint: again there really isn't one but if you watch the pvs she really is upfront all the time

12. you also went so feminine that thing on your pants looks like a skirt and those things underneath your eyes don't help why didn't i notice maybe i was focusing more on the doll
Answer: Kanon, Hint: just look at their newest look

14. You really need to stop being a perv and arn't you happy that i defended your chubby face? but honestly your alter-ego scares me (again with the posters)
Answer: Yomi, Hint: well the only band with alter-egos that i pay attention to is nightmare and his face is a tiny bit chubby looking

15. your voice changes so much i can barely tell who you are unless i see your face (#5-6 help)
Answer: Koharu Kusumi, Hint: those who know me and my momosu fan-ness know i only pay attention to 3 members xD

and thanks to those 3 that guessed

the gazette, an cafe, friends, meme

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