I love that I spent 30 mins tweeking this gif and then photobucket goes and does this - !
This post is to say that I won't be using this journal anymore, not to write in nor to read my f-list or communities.
I'm not going to delete it, incase I want to look back over it, I'm shutting it down.
I'm a very different person now than I was back when I started this journal, there are people out there who I don't get on with and who don't get on with me because of the person I am now. There are things I have grown out of that were my only connection to some people on my f-list. My whole journal reeks of the person I was and it makes it hard to write when I know I might be offending someone who I have nothing against, but don't share their attitudes.
Also I'm convinced that hardly anyone reads my journal anymore. I don't read all of my f-lists posts, so I'm keeping my new journal to people who's posts I'll actually read and who will read mine.
I'm starting afreash.
ByeBye Usagipon! You were fantastic.