Perennial Blossom 2.1 [voice, then video]

May 18, 2011 17:54

((ooc: Backdated to noon today, though I meant to post this yesterday orz))

[At first only the faint breath of someone near tears can be heard. Or maybe they’ve already cried. It’s hard to tell without an image.]

Hey everyone. I… [A shuddering breath, then…] My… Krrhhh!

[For a long moment all is quiet, then a sob and a sniffle break the static on the other side of the microphone, followed by a concerned cooing of “kernnn.”]

I’m sorry. I… I just…

[He seems to give up at this point. One more sob, then the video feed starts. It’s Misaki, back from his glitch-return home. To those who had known him before, he looks like he did when he first arrived last time in Johto. All traces of growing muscle has disappeared, and his face has lost the gaunt look it had been taking his last few days here. And he’s crying, but that’s nothing new.

He sniffles again, then tries to smile. On his shoulder sits Sunkern, cuddled up against her trainer’s face in concern. His voice is still raspy with tears.]

I… guess I’m back. And I’m… I’m sorry.

misaki must you always fail?, failure is always bitter, an uke is out of his element, area: new bark town, misaki needs his usagi-san, that was totally not my mom

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