just disgusting

Feb 04, 2013 15:09

So I get petition alerts in my mail right.  Today got one to protest a bill presented in New Mexico that would mandate that a rape/incest victim that gets pregnant is not allowed to abort.  That the child must be carried to tern as evidence for a trial and if an abortion is obtained it would be a felony offense.

I singed right away of course.  I can't imagine a law like that ever passing, but you never know what can happen if people don't keep vigilance on lawmakers.  I find it disgusting and frightening that laws like this keep popping up and am just glad that there are watch groups out there to call attention so laws like this don't slip through the cracks.

So NM is now on a list of states I never want to reside or be in unless I absolutely had to pass through.  Petition link is below in case anyone is interested in signing.


psa, petition

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