Jun 28, 2008 16:20
Well, today has been pretty eventful and I haven't really done anything. Good news is that the auction did not get bid on so I have time to setup my account and get my weiss cel. yay! Then I had a bit of a setback today because my friends seriously let me down. Tonight my mom is throwing a combo birthday party for her partner and myself. I invited all my friends who have been around since highschool. My friend told me she was coming and if she comes everyone else will follow. So I got really excited and told my mom everyone was coming. And what happens... Everyone has backed out.
My friend KNOWS my mom's house is in WPB and over an hour away. But apparently she forgot. I can understand not wanting to drive that long with 2 babies in the car. (if they were all going in the same car) But I am pissed because she acted like I didn't tell her the distance and it came as a shock. #1) I was trying to get her the addie and directions earlier but she never sent me her email so she didn't get it till today. #2) When I got the party times to her I even thought about the babies and suggested coming earlier, cuz I thought arriving at 6pm was kinda late for arrival but she obviously didn't listen *sigh*
I know my mom lives far. It makes it very difficult to have a party because nobody really wants to go out of the way. That is why I didn't really have a birthday party last year. My mom wanted to plan a party for me and have it at the house, but I knew no one would want to show so I just nipped it in the bud. >.<
Ok, time to just let go. Gotta get ready and head up myself. At this point I almost don't wanna go because I just wanna lay around in the house, but I am going. Prolly gonna bring the playstation tho so we can play games. Actually I was going to leave the computer home, but I think I will just bring it with me. I don't wanna drink since I wanna come home tonight so If I get bored I can just internet or head home early... *sigh*