Aug 25, 2005 17:49
Hello all.... I am really really angry right now and have been hearing one too many racial slurs against Palestinians in the last week so to relieve my stress I'm going to write down everything that is on my chest.... as far as that matter goes.
First of all the racial slurs against Palestinians have come from Israeli's on the news angry about the withdrawl (Why give land to killers?), A random guy at Starbucks who started talking to me (Your grandmother hated the Turks? I bet she hated those bloodsucking Palestinians), and GW students for Israel Website which one of the most offensive things I have ever read with such quotes as
" It is against the Jewish/Israeli culture and religion to take ones life for anything, even in war or to attack the enemy. The Arabs, on the other hand, have never embraced such ideologies and therefore have resorted to death, murder, and suicide to get what they want."
yeah one of the members of this organization said to that to a comment that this quote by Golda Meir "There will be peace in the Middle East only when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Israel." was offensive to all Arabs and militant.
Here's the thing... I cannot support Israel not only as a Palestinian but also as a Christian (representing 20% of the population before 1950 are now down to 2% because of these atrocities) and love of History. They destroyed a 5th century christian church that rested on a site much older (3,000 year old well). Other Catholic and Orthadox churches, monestaries, and hospitals include the Holy Sepluchure and Church of the Nativity. Just in 1948-1949 18 Christian churches, schools and the like were bombed, attacked, or destroyed in Jerusalem alone! Palestinian Christians were killed by the Israeli military along with Brittish and other European citizens in such massacres as King David Hotel Massare where my own grandfather was bombed along with 41 other arabs and 26 brittish civilians.
Here's the thing. Both sides did bad things why can't people see that and calling people Killers or Terrorists when in all honesty one can't make a description like that on an entire race of people, is completely unjustified. Its viciousness seems almost anagolous to the way many Jews in Europe were treated and is entirely hypocritical.
ok... my rant is done... though i am still quite angry.... grrr.