First drawing of 2012

Jan 03, 2012 07:00

This was done with ink and watercolor on 4-ply 500 series cold press Strathmore bristol on 01/02/12.

Another thing I did on that day was watch the Rose Parade on TV. The Tournament of Roses organization made an agreement with the churches in the area to never have the parade on a Sunday, so it was held on Monday this year. I live in Pasadena and would go down to watch it in person, but the crowds just got too much for me. However, the highlight for me is at the beginning, when the B-2 Stealth Bomber does its fly-by. Our house is right on its flight path, and it passes over us really low. Everyone on the block comes out to watch it fly overhead, then give each other our New Year greetings. It's a nice neighborhood tradition.

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