Apr 17, 2006 17:27
First off, I've found that someone actually reads my LJ. XD Sorry. That makes me happy. I know some people used to, but now they don't and I found out that at least one person still does so thanks Alec! *hug*
Okay, now to the point. I will not be on instant messenger much anymore at all. It sucks up way too much of my time that needs to be dedicated to other stuff, such as school. Right now I'm going to work my butt off to get the best grades I can for school so next year I can go to a private school. It might end up that I transfer before this year is over anyways, but I'm still going to work hard.
If you want to contact me, email me! I will happily reply to your email in less than a day, most likely. I just won't be on instant messenger. Here are my two email addresses that I check daily: