I knew college would be hard. I kind of expected it to be.
And while it isn't exactly as hard as I thought it would be (a fact for which I'm very grateful), a mountain of math homework for me to spend my Tuesdays and Thursdays working on while trying to find time on those days to work on my other work as well so I don't have to do schoolwork Friday through Sunday (I run on a Monday-Wednesday schedule as far as my classes go)... again, this was expected, but the toll on my sanity that it almost took - okay, maybe I was somewhat warned of that too. But sometimes, I guess, it takes experience for it to actually sink in. As each school week winds down, all I have to look forward to is the relatively low stress level in my Wednesday evening art class, and the fact that so far every week I've been able to get all of my homework done before Thursday night so I have Friday through Sunday free to do whatever. In fact, I think those things and church are the only things really keeping me from completely losing it.
... wow. I guess I kinda sounded a bit... emo there? Or is this "gaaaah" feeling typical of Community College students such as myself just as much as it is University students?
And as if today weren't crazy enough as it is with even more math homework due to a test coming up, one of our dogs died.
Isn't life just wonderful?!
Again, sorry for the rant... and the somewhat weird-ish and probably unoriginal icon. Insane!Maka and the "this IS my 'happy face'" quote has, nine out of ten, probably been done before. But it fits.