Title: A hidden femme's secret
Subtitle: Daring Rescue
Part: 3.5/3
Author: Usagi-Atemu-Tom
Verse: TF-Bayverse
Anniversary Challenges: Week four prompt - # Dark of the night
Rating: NC 17
Genre: romance, drama
Warnings: slash, death (no main character), mentions of abuse and talk about rape, description of interfacing (non-sticky)
Pairings: Jazz/Prowl
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The other thing I feel I have to warn you or point out... well since I wrote that story a bit with some pairings in mind, even if they are not obvious and all... if I remember I made Hide/Ratch clear (my favourite together with Jazz/Prowl), I am also a big fan of Blue/Twins and even though it doesn't HAVE to be that way, I cannot help but decided for myself that the end, in my own mind had a SLIGHT (really slight) hint that Megatron/Optimus would be possible, though that one is an open one. Mmmmh, I hope I did not forget anymecha and if you want to indulge a bit in one of the side characters, that's okay, though try to not make their roles too big, if you can. I myself like OCs for a bit of plot and for them to simply function but I am not a big fan for them as being part of the main character group, therefore I hope you understand if I do not want to see that happen with my own created characters in a sequel.
Yeah... now I've come up with restrictions... damn. I hope you don't mind them too much and understand. I am surprised myself right now, never thought I would end up doing it like this but... I guess this is the first time someone asked to write a sequel from one of my own stories. ^^
Oh and IF you do write this and post it, please leave me a not with a link? I would of course like to read it. LJ or ffnet, doesn't matter, I am on both to find. ^^
Usagi-Atemu-Tom /`^_^´\
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