Saving Life - Chapter Eleven

Sep 16, 2011 02:27

Part: 11/12
Author: Usagi-Atemu-Tom
Warnings: slash, SPOILER for Transformers Movies 1+2
Pairings: Jazz/Prowl
Feedback: Please, yes, I love feedback! =^^=

Summary: When one mech is on the edge of being offlined forever, another mech realises the truth of his past and the destiny he is supposed to have. But what do you do, when you wake up from the brink of death just to stare into the eyes of what is supposed to be the enemy? If you happen to be an ops mech - you collect your answers of course.

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine I don't make money with it and write only for fun and to get better in writing English. ^_^

Helpful Pointers:
Vorn - 83 years
Stellar-cycle - 7.5 months
Orn - 13 days
Joor - 8 hours
Breem - 6 minutes
Astrosecond - 5/6ths of a second
Klick - 1 millisecond

"..." - Speaking
/.../ - Sparkbond speaking

Please note that I've only ever watched the two movies from 2007 and 2009. While I've 'met' a lot of Transformers from the comics and cartoons, that more often than not show up in fanfics I, of course, have not seen them in action and therefore might not be able to interpret their characters right. I am using mostly what I've learned through the movie (and maybe fanfics) and while catching some ideas here and there I am mainly using my very own ideas for things like energon, space bridges and so on.

And not to forget, much thanks to Taralynden for betareading.

Also, the inspiration for Prowl's and Jazz's past was mostly taken from the fanfic 'Story of a lifetime' written by the wonderful Taralynden. This was taken with her permission. Go and read her story, you'll love it.
Prowl felt warm. It started out at the part where the human had touched him and, given what Jazz had talked about with the young man, written down something in the old language of the Primes. The warmth spread, slowly first, then gaining speed until suddenly his whole body was bathing in a comforting, relaxing heat.

He would have been alarmed had it not been for his bondmate's feelings of awe and reassurance that there was no danger. Whatever happened, it left Jazz speechless, but it was also obviously nothing he deemed a danger for one of them, therefore the tactician did not put a halt to the action.

Prowl, while picturing his old looks, had listened carefully to every word his bonded exchanged with the human to gain as much information as he could of what was going on while he was not looking. But most of the vague comments were more confusing than anything else. What was going on? And when the warmth suddenly spread it left him feeling so nice that soon he simply forgot to care about the confusion he felt. And as long as Jazz did not instruct otherwise, Prowl trusted that it was safe to yield. Now the saboteur was shielding his thoughts and feelings as well as he could from his bondmate to ensure the tactician's concentration would stay solely on what Sam requested. Jazz had to admit it was hard to rein in his feelings, because every astrosecond seemed to be full of new surprises with the human boy.

After Sam touched the symbol, the one that meant "origin", the blood started to glow and the light began to spread. Thin lines wandered all over his bondmate's body, writing more and more signs that seemed to sink into the bodyplates and stay there, still glowing. The journey of the light continued and did not end until every part of Prowl's body was covered with symbols.

Jazz recognized every character. They were all from the language of the Primes and he easily identified words like "body", "change" or "return" for example. It was not easy to continue reading though, because as soon as the light finished its journey, it intensified.

It took about ten astroseconds and then it seemed as if Prowl's body itself was glowing like what humans called a Christmas tree. By now the light was so bright that even the Autobots and human soldiers nearby noticed it and stopped their discussion to stare at what was going on with the two mechs and one human.

Jazz could hear Bumblebee shouting Sam's name and he certainly sensed his subordinate dashing towards them. The saboteur did not look, however. No, he was too fascinated by watching what was happening to his bondmate.

Sam had jumped down from where he sat right after the light started spreading and was standing beside the saboteur now. Together they could see how every part of the glowing mech's body seemed to come alive. Metal started to move, plates broke into really small parts, all transforming, growing, shrinking, trading places. Jazz would have been alarmed, sure his bondmate was suffering through immense pain, but thanks to the bond he knew that Prowl was not even aware of what was happening.

And quite the opposite to pain, the head of special ops could feel his mate's contentment, how he basked in feelings of warmth and comfort. It strangely enough seemed to spread even through the bond, because Jazz himself could not help but feel content and calm.

He no longer consciously noticed his surroundings, just barely recognized Optimus Prime asking them what was going on, of course without getting an answer. Then suddenly the light seemed to explode, forcing everyone, mecha and human alike, to look away.

When his senses told Jazz that it was safe to look again, he could barely believe what his optics took in. Gone was his restraint on the bond after seeing this. Shock, disbelief, surprise, happiness on the border of hysteria, undying love and giddy laughter flooded their sparks, and the saboteur was certain poor Prowl did not know which emotion to concentrate on first.

"Jazz?" the tactician asked out loud in their own language, uncertain if he would be heard through their bond when it was so filled to the brim with Jazz's uncontrolled emotions. He was so preoccupied, that he did not even realize his voice was no longer sounding like the foreign bark of the Decepticon-created Barricade.

Slowly, the saboteur came down from what felt like the greatest high in vorns. He could hear the murmurs around him, recognizing human and Cybertronian language, determining that all of the Autobots were standing around Sam and him by now. But he did not care.

The differences, the mistrust, it all was forgotten, gone from his processor and he did not doubt from everyone else's as well. They all had eyes only for the one mech who sat beside Jazz, optics still offline and his face obviously showing emotions of confusion, a rare occurrence on that handsome face.

"Jazz!" this time Prowl's question was more forceful, more urgent, accompanied by a hard burst of emotion through their bond that was able to penetrate through Jazz's wild accumulation of emotions.

"Ah think it's safe for ya t' online yer optics now, Prowler", the saboteur told his bondmate softly.

Hesitantly, because he was definitely still confused about the whole situation, the tactician's optics could be seen onlining. The light was soft at the beginning, but soon he was clearly looking at them and his optics glowed in the most wonderful blue that Jazz had ever seen. Prowl took in the scene before him. By his side, Jazz was looking at him in a mixture of barely contained disbelief and happiness. And though it was not exactly typical, the tactician also noticed adoration both in his bondmate's gaze and through their bond.

Beside Jazz stood Sam, who looked content, though also very satisfied. And then there were the Autobots. Optimus Prime was taking in his form, as if seeing him for the first time. Chromia, Ironhide and even Ratchet seemed to have lost all their wits, while Jolt shook his head again and again in blatant disbelief. Arcee stood stock still, her gaze seeming to burn into his frame, while Bumblebee was shooting shocked glances from him to Sam and back again. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe however stared at the tactician open mouthed, looking for all it was worth as if they had just seen a ghost.

The humans did not fare any better. Most of them were rubbing their eyes, as if they needed to assure themselves that nothing was wrong with their sight. Others seemed rather confused about what was going on. It was comforting to know that he was not the only one feeling like he was missing something. Again he turned his head back to his bondmate, who had lost all look of disbelief, leaving him content and gloating instead.

For a third time, the tactician tried to get an answer out of the saboteur.

"Jazz, what the frag is going on?" Okay, Prowl was definitely frustrated. Enough that he still did not recognize the change in his voice. And if things continued like this, especially with mecha and humans acting like they did, his battle computer would certainly crash very, very soon, because it simply could not handle the current situation.

Jazz however realized where his thoughts and fears were going and finally broke out of his stupor.

"Origin", Jazz whispered at his bondmate in explanation before he glanced down at the young human. "It acted as the command for the change, didn't it?"

Then the saboteur looked back at Prowl, a soft smile playing around his lipplattes.

"Ya've been changed, Prowler", he explained to his hopelessly confused bondmate and gestured over to the main farmhouse that offered some big windows, at last big enough to act as a small mirror. "Look at ya yerself."

He watched his bondmate getting up and walking over to the house as if on autopilot. It started to worry Jazz a bit. He hoped that their reactions and his own feelings had not overwhelmed his bonded to the point of an immediate processor crash. Wouldn't 'that' be fun for Ratchet who was already concerned enough with the saboteur's own status of health?

The reminder of his own condition turned out to be the last straw concerning Jazz's actions and willpower. Exhaustion seemed to return tenfold and suddenly he could feel the hurt and pain that stemmed from the barely healed and hopelessly overworked injury on his middle not to mention the pain his strained spark emitted. His legs began to shake and with a groan, Jazz crashed to the ground, no longer able to stand and nearly crushing the unsuspecting Sam in the process. Prowl had barely had time to take a look into the windows of the house. What he saw there in glimpses shocked him to no end. Instead of red optics and a black and white, sharp and dangerous looking body of a Decepticon, he was glimpsing blue, glowing optics and the dark grey form of a prototype form, with two white doorwings on its back and a red chevron on his forehead. It was the typical built protoform of a Praxian, with the original colours Prowl possessed before he replaced his protoform with a scan of a Cybertronian Enforcer vehicle.

As shocking as the view was, the tactician had no time to even digest what he saw, because he could feel his mate's exhaustion and pain crash through the bond. He heard Jazz falling and immediately the disbelief and danger of a crash were forgotten. He turned away from the vague image he had had of himself and ran back right to Jazz's side, even bypassing an alarmed Ratchet in his haste to be beside his bonded.

"Oh Jazz", Prowl sighed as he took the broken form of the saboteur into his arms.

"M'okay", Jazz weakly tried to wave the concern away and tiredly grinned up into his bondmate's brightly, blue glowing optics. "So, whadd'ya think of yer new looks?"

For an astrosecond, the body of the tactician stiffened. Then Prowl slowly raised one hand to his face, while the other was still tightly wound around the saboteur's upper body for support. Disbelief, and barely dared to belief hope filled the bond as Prowl watched the moves he did with dark grey fingers who were not one bit looking like claws, but instead familiar and more than welcome.

"I... can't believe... is that really me?" the original Autobot second in command asked no one in particular, his gaze still fixed on the hand in front of him.

"That's ya, all right", Jazz confirmed with a fond smile before he turned his gaze to the silent Autobots and humans standing around them, fixing especially the twins with a hard glare. "Th' only mech Ah would EVER accept as a bondmate, no matter what happens!" Those words finally brought the Autobots out of their shocked stupor. Sideswipe blinked his optics twice before glancing from Jazz to Prowl and back.

"But I...", the twin stuttered totally confused. He recognized the protoform. It was not the same as how Prowl had looked when they met, but whatever a Cybertronian scanned in their lives, they would always closely resemble their original protoform. Something that did no longer count of course when someone underwent a forceful change. But now with the white, proud doorwings, suddenly the mech that was supposed to be Barricade, looked damn familiar. Yes, he certainly recognized Prowl the moment the lights stopped glowing and revealed the protoform it created.

But while Sideswipe tried to form words, it was Sunstreaker who lost his patience.

"What the frag is going on here?" the vain loving twin snarled in the vague direction of Jazz and Prowl, not sure who was supposed to be addressed with this question in first place. "First I have to keep my brother from slagging Jazz because he seems to have taken a Decepticon as his bondmate and then suddenly we witness a lightshow that turns Barricade into the protoform of a mech that looks suspiciously like Prowl, who Chromia just told us was supposed to be dead? The pit, this is it, I've had enough I want answers and I want them now!"

Jazz raised his head a bit, which he had leaned against Prowl's breastplates in exhaustion and smiled tiredly at the golden coloured twin.

"That's why Ah told ya that Ah woulda known if Prowl was dead or not, Sunstreaker", the saboteur explained calmly. "He's mah bonded, if he'd died Ah woulda been dead, simple as that."

A gasp went through the ranks of the Autobots while Will Lennox just looked confused at his friend and comrade Robert Epps.

"Do you get the feeling we are missing something big here?" Will asked and Epps nodded in agreement. They did not ask further, both men having realized that their bigger build comrades had to sort out the situation for themselves first, before any explanation could be given to their human allies.

And as luck had it, at last one 'bot already realized that there was someone else, besides Jazz and the seemingly rediscovered Prowl, who could give some answers. Bumblebee did not look at any of the mechs in question. Instead he stepped over to his human charge and kneeled down beside him, to offer his hand.



romance, tf-bayverse, drama, prowlxjazz: 11, transformers, angst, multi chapter, fanfiction: 2011, rated pg, fic: saving life

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