Jun 05, 2005 18:22
From a recent post on a hiking board I'm on:
I've been camping in MN for 40 years and am surprised that I have NEVER encountered a bear while camping. It is a good idea to be aware of bears, their favorite foods and places to hang out, since this awareness is probably why I haven't encountered bears. We only have to worry about black bears in MN, but it is a good idea to be familiar with the differences between black bears and grizzly
I've read all the methods for driving off nuisance black bears, from throwing rocks, yelling at them, banging pots and pans to scare them etc. Grizzlies on the other hand should not be provoked, because if
angered they have been known to attack. Wearing small bells on your clothing and carrying pepper spray in grizzly country is recomended.
It is also recomended to know the differences between black bear scat and grizzly bear scat. Black bear scat usually consists of berry seeds and possibly fur from small rodents. Grizzly bear scat usually contains small bells and smells like pepper spray.