Mar 01, 2005 20:28
I have so much work to do right now, I don't know how I will get through it all. Well, I know how, but it is gonna suck. Physics assignment due tomorrow, calc due thursday, another one friday, Paleo snowball-earth research paper due friday, Igneous Petrology research paper due monday, then another physics homework wednesday, Ig Pet presentation due friday... maybe thurs.... Then 8am ig pet final on monday, 12pm paleo and 7:30pm calc final tuesday, and physics final tuesday. Then, my friends. Then I am done! Then it will be spring break! I am gonna get soooooooo... well, something, when I am done with all that. Be it drunk, high, whatever. I am gonna go all out! Then one and a half weeks off!!! And the best part? Next quarter, no class on Mondays and Fridays. Yep! You heard me, folks. Four day weekends every single week. Next quarter will be awsome!! I just need to survive this one. It will really throw a kink in my plans if I have to take calc over again. And I would be sad if I got below a B in paleo. And I really would like to get an A in ig pet. I just need C- or better in calc and physics, and B or better in my other classes, and I will be satisfied. I should be researching snowball earth right now. On to that. Grabbing the bull by the horns!!!