009 x Have you got it in you?

Jul 01, 2013 05:59

It's been a hectic start to the summer. The kiddo finally graduated from preschool, so now there is summer school and a new school year to look forward to. For the past month my job search, even though I sent out about over fifty applications to the surrounding area of my location, I came up with dry leads. Okay, no problem. These days it's a little more competitive, and employers are looking for that extra 'oomph.' Something I obviously need to brush up on considering I've been taking care of a wonderful child for the past four going on five years. Priorities. In any case I figure rather than being stagnant, I went ahead and enrolled into a college. With any luck they will take me with the Fall 2013 semester. I'm excited, but at the same time a little intimidated. My biggest issue is getting over procrastination. Organization is another issue, but I'll get into that later. These are two very bad habits I definitely need to consider dropping for my own good. Not exactly sure what I want as far as classes go, but I am aiming for something clerical related; perhaps even business administration.

These sleepless nights trying to find jobs that out there are me need to cease. I mean, yes, I could find that 'needle in a hay stack', but I'd rather prove that I can get the job done rather than have a skeptical employer asking me 'what I can bring to the table.' I'm not going to be hired by baking, that's for sure (something I am getting better at!!) My baking is actually getting me in trouble with my roommates though. Well, I don't know if it's a combination of a lot of things or even their cooking. But apparently one of my roommates is complaining they went from 190 to 208 in a year.

Rather than be stagnant and bake all the time I took it upon myself to go to the gym. For the past couple of weeks I've been participating in shotokan classes. When those classes are not in session I just go for a brisk walk on treadmills. I still feel uncomfortable around the other gym bodies, but I hope that changes soon. I guess I have to be comfortable in my own skin for once. Pregnancy really took a toll on my body, so I hope in a few months I'll be able to shake this plateau of 210 and drop the 60 lbs I want and finally get to 150lbs. My weightlifting instructor in high school said I would look malnourished if I got around 130, so I figure 150 would be a safe bet. Changing my approach to cooking is definitely helping, well that and the fact we're not ordering out/getting fast food. Another thing that is holding me back is the fear of being re-injured again, since I got out of a pretty nasty car accident in 2012 that gave me injuries to my spine and to my nerves in my low back. I try not to let the pain get in the way, especially during my karate sessions.

I've been a single mother for quite some time. I figure now that my son is a little bit older I can start working on myself now. .At the end of the day he'll still be my main priority, but I need to better myself to see to it that he has a better future. One of my goals when I get a job is open up a high interest bank account and set money aside for him to go to college. My little Niko has always been the one who inspires me to push my limits, and to think - the only thing he needs to do is just give me a wide smile. I might be a little nervous especially with this new en devour - but he's all the motivation I need to have the will to succeed at the end of the day.

goals, college, jobhunt, inspiration, future, summer

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