I was all "hey, gonna go to bed early, since I did everything I needed to on LJ."
but really, why bother? LJ is too awesome. it's only 11:18. and I'm on VACATION! woot.
so today we drove up to CT to see Lea & crew.
did not know that her boyfriend was going to be there...?
but there wasn't any trouble because of that. just made me feel awkward. he was nice though. by the name of "Travis." he and Lea got along really well; he seemed cooler than her past bfs. not that I've spent a lot of time with her past bfs. But still.
Anyway, we watched some of various editions of Bye Bye Birdie because that's her next show, and then I was saved from feeling like a third wheel because Lea's friend and my semi-pen pal Karen showed up with her 48752094387 sisters. Okay, she only had three. It felt like a lot. lol. Karen is still very cool. She does great voices. We watched some of the animated RotK, which Lea randomly found out that she owned, but no one paid much attention so we shut it off. It made me really want to see RotK, though. I feel like I'm the only person in the world who hasn't seen it twice yet.
Jawbreaker came on, and we watched that until we had to go light the candles. Uncle Stan started leading the blessings in a key that was comfortable for him, which ended up being either atrociously low or atrociously high for me, depending on which octave I sang in.
Got a B&N gift certificate from Uncle Stan and Aunt LouAnn. Good stuff. You can never go wrong with bookstores.
Then we went upstairs to Lea's room and watched the end of Jawbreaker. Pretty good, but I felt that it ended abruptly.
Then Mom & Dad said it was time to leave, so I said goodbye. I told Karen to get an email address bc I would be a much better correspondant that way, and she said I have to send her a snail mail first. :\
I LOVE long car rides. Me, the music, and my imagination. Good times. Yanni, 3 SLG Toris, and the mix Jess made me were the big hits this time.
So I think I'm seeing RotK with Caitlin and Andrew this week. Am a little frightened of seeing it with Caitlin, as I know she will flood the theater, and she's not even a huge LotR fan. She's just a huge Gollum fan (::giggles and pokes people who have seen the movie::). But point is, she'll make it a sobfest. With Caitlin, it's like "OMG, that character blinked??? THAT IS SO SAD!! ::sobsob::" <<---my favorite exaggerating example. But it's really not too far exaggerated.
Then I'm seeing it with the fam and the Saks on Xmas day. :D
Then I want to go again with Jess and Katie for
that huuuuge LotR day Katie mentioned. But that should be next week so that I have money and then Kate could come with us too. ^_^
actually getting kind of sleepy. Think I'll go get ready for bed so I can hang out in bed and daydream.
-lani brandybuck
p.s. welcome,
controlledmess_!! it's dayna, kids! (dayna being my best friend from kindergarden, who I have somehow managed to keep in touch with despite the fact that we've both moved around since then. crazy times, girl. ;) )
p.p.s. ::points to icon and giggles::