not all tears are evil. :')

Dec 17, 2003 23:20


I just realized that Peter Jackson left out about half of the big tearjerking moments.
I'm exaggerating.
But think about it..if you've seen any spoiler pictures...there will be so much for the EE dvd.

2. Surprisingly to me, my tears seemed to be connected to the appearance of one man: Billy Boyd. I thought he was stunning. Whenever he was sad, I was crying. He made me cry the most out of everyone.

3. Speaking of crying, that was the most I've ever cried at a movie, and I am not a big crier.

4. When I first heard "Into the West" before the movie, it didn't strike me as amazing. Everyone was raving about it, and I didn't get it. But when it played after the movie....
now I get it.

5. As soon as it started I got in this zone. Now everything feels unreal.

I think that's all I have to say, while I'm keeping the spoilers on the down low. There'll probably be a big fat spoilery review on Christmas after seeing it again with my family, because you all should have seen it by then.

So I have school tomorrow.
My Christmas/Chanukah break started this evening at 6:40 in a Loews.
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