Title: Red
Series/Collections: Red, written for the
Marvey Fic Challenges, Challenge #001 (red), on tumblr.
Pairing: Harvey/Mike
Rating: R
Word count: 382
Summary: Harvey has a surprise for Mike but Mike finds out ahead of time.
take_this_waltz / sal_si_puedes on AO3
Tags: established relationship, fluff, domestic fluff
Characters: Harvey Specter, Mike Ross
Warnings: none
Additional notes: No spoilers.
Read the story on AO3... .
Title: Red II
Series/Collections: Red, written for the
Marvey Fic Challenges, Challenge #001 (red), on tumblr.
Pairing: Harvey/Mike
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1336
Summary: Marvey spend a perfect day at their house in the Hamptons - and it has a perfect (and very fluffy) finale. Set a couple of months after Red. Maybe a good idea to read that one first.
take_this_waltz / sal_si_puedes on AO3
Tags: fluff, domestic fluff, proposal fluff, INSANE AMOUNT OF FLUFF
Characters: Harvey Specter, Mike Ross
Warnings: none
Additional notes: No spoilers.
Read the story on AO3... .
Title: Red III
Series/Collections: Red, written for the
Marvey Fic Challenges, Challenge #001 (red), on tumblr.
Pairing: Harvey/Mike
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2297
Summary: Mike is planning on selling their house in the Hamptons - because what point is there in keeping it now? Set about 30 years after Red II. Maybe a good idea to read that one first.
take_this_waltz / sal_si_puedes on AO3
Tags: death!fic, major character death, angst, sadness
Characters: Harvey Specter, Mike Ross
Warnings: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH - seriously, this is sad as fuck. You have been warned.
Additional notes: No spoilers.
Read the story on AO3...