Title: From The Ashes (Part 3 of Fate's Decree series)
Author: Moi
Fandom: Suits
Rating: NC-17 (~24,350 words)
Pairing: Harvey/Mike
Summary: In which Mike is Sherlock, Harvey has ninja skills, and January really isn't shaping up to be a good month for the boys. Set approximately 6 months after In Totidem Verbis. You'll need to read the first 2 fics for this to make any sense at all.
Warning: Implied violence, implied non-con and minor character death.
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made.
Notes: This piece is slightly darker than the previous two, and I honestly have no idea where this came from. Expect angst, h/c, and an entire soap opera series worth of Drama. Again, any medical stuff mentioned in this is curtesy of Dr Google. Many thanks again to
slashybits and
scribewraith for beta.
Feedback: Very welcomed!
Fic at my LJ