Suits: "Elevator" (Harvey/Mike)

Aug 29, 2012 05:53

Author: dunderklumpen
Title: "Elevator"
Pairing: Harvey/Mike
Prompt: Mike/Harvey, Top!Mike/Bottom!Harvey, first time elevator Sex.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 382 words.
Summary: See prompt.
A/N: A short snippet for the suits_meme.
Disclaimer: "Suits" is the property of USA Networks.
Beta: Thanks to darkhorse_99 who was a sweetheart and looked it over.


character: harvey specter, genre: slash, pairing: harvey/mike, genre: oneshot, type: fanfic, rating: nc-17, status: complete, genre: canon/slight au, word count: 100-999, character: mike ross

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