Oct 08, 2012 23:40
I hate politics. I always have. Star Trek VI is all about politics, and so I am not enamored with this movie. It's the same reason why Next Gen lost me anytime the Klingons were around and the same reason why I really didn't care for Deep Space Nine. (I tried to like DS9, I really did. Sometimes I even succeeded for a little while, but then Kira or emo!Odo, or, god forbid, Kira AND emo!Odo would come on screen and make me dislike it all over again.)
Star Trek VI came out when I was 11, just before the peak of my fannishness and I didn't like it. I didn't hate it, the way I hated IV, but it didn't work for me. It is the best structured of all the movies, has the tightest plot, and really, I do see why everyone else liked it. Next Gen had had all that positive feedback from all the Klingon nonsense, it was what people were interested in. Plots within plots. Sorry, not for me. Everyone mind your own business, kthxbye.
I remembered almost everything about IV on the rewatch, (including the awful genitals in the knees joke), but now it had the added bonus of making sense (though honestly, the section of my brain assigned to understanding politics is such a deep and vacuous void that it wasn't until I listened to the briefing scene 3 times and then asked Grr to flat out explain it to me in metaphor that I was able to understand). In the end, making sense of the plot didn't really help my opinion. It's just not my thing. If I want this kind of stuff I can go watch Star Wars or something.
What I did like, and was new to me, since I had never watched them in order, was the overarching KS character growth, particularly Spock. From movie to movie to movie I was suprised it actually made SENSE. This movie and last I'd taken to calling him hippie!Spock. Just have to fast forward through those non-important plot scenes.
Overall, this has been an interesting experience; not just for the nostalgia. I wonder a little bit about how little my tastes have changed. They have definitely grown and expanded over the years, but I have yet to have that sensation of "I can't believe I ever liked that" that so many other people seem to have. I can't think of a single thing I have ever unliked, even my old artwork.
Hmm, I will have to experiment more.