A picture is worth 1000 words, and if you can read the words then it's worth even more.
And, a clip of conversation that occurs shortly after:
ユキ: 俺が側にいて同じこと できると本気で思ってんおか!? いい加減にしろ おまえにしか できない事があるって もっと 自覚しろよ! 泣かすなよ!! しっかりしろよ!!!
(Paraphrased, Yuki is saying that Kyou is stupid to think that he (Yuki) can be for Tooru what Kyou is for Tooru. This, only Kyou can do. So shut up and stop being stupid. <3 I particularly love the increasing amounts of exclamation points.)
He literally beats some sense into Kyou, and, miraculously, only shakes the house and doesn't actually break it while doing so. I was hoping that the previous chapter was indicative that Kyou could realize things without having to have it beaten into him, but alas, it seems he can only learn the hard way. Speaking of which, it reminds me of something Kyoko said to Kyou back in chapter, uh... a long time ago: いつだって 一度は道に迷わなければ 自分を答えに辿りつけない. She always needs to lose her way at least once before she finds her own answers.