I've been meaning to write this entry for several days now and haven't succeeded. My hatred for writing again rears its ugly head. Though my success is still arguable, at least I have finally written something. And now, here is Fruits Basket chapters 114-115, where Plot happens with a capital P. I'm going to hide most of this behind the cut because of the spoiler potential.
Chapters 114 and 115 are quite a pair. They're an exercise in comparisons between Tooru and Akito. Even if the
color picture opening chapter 115 wasn't so blatent, it could be seen on the first page of each chapter which I have photoshopped into a two page spread
here. 高屋せんせい is ♥)
Short version 114: Tooru visits Rin to answer the question of who is most important to her. She admits its Kyou, and that the reason she wanted to break the curse was for him, and for him only. She didn't want him to go away. She has also been testing him to see if he would reject her, but now she is going to tell him how she feels. She is finally starting to be ready to leave her feelings for her mom behind.
Also in that chapter: Kagura punches Tooru, which knocks her out completely, telling her to tell these things to Kyou herself. Rin jumps in highly protective of Tooru.
Short version 115: Akito's past. Crazy manipulative mother, but we knew that. Nice dad who is perhaps featured way back in chapter 1 during the story of the juunishi to young Tooru. Akito was raised as a boy due to her mother's wishes, mostly because she didn't want any female vying for Akira's (the father's) attention. Akito just can't let go of her father. She clings to his memory in a way that makes Tooru's mother-complex seem like it's not even worth mentioning.
Also in this chapter: Shigure has a look of wistful tenderness as he shoots down Ren in a very admirable fashion. She called him out on being attracted to her and he answered that that's because when he looks at her he imagines that's what Akito might have looked like if she had been raised as a girl.
Also also in this chapter: And perhaps the biggest deal to me, Momiji finds himself freed from the curse. Exact reasons unknown. Bittersweet. *heart Momiji!!*