It's been interesting to go from completely busy to having *nothing* to do at all. While I do miss the work, being a bum isn't such a bad thing...for now. :P lol
So, since I've had so much time on my hands, I started working for an in-game goal of mine I've wanted since I saw it first come out: the Ambassador title. It was put to the side while I focused on getting Metaphor leveled, but I hit a leveling slump around 73, so I decided to just buckle down and get it out of the way.
It HURT. lol
So much many much gold spent on runecloth (especially for the gnomes...I now hate them more because of this. >.>), but I did it. Took me about two solid weeks of questing and grinding cloth, but I think it was well worth it. :D
Plus it'll help me along on my way to that albino drake. ;)
I love the palamino, but I would kill to have the unarmored one. :(
Bring them back, Blizz! :(
Draenei were made to ride night sabers. :P
I never want to see Uldaman again. Ever.
Gnomeregan Exiles:
I love this mount. I don't know why. lol
So then I decided to get leveling again and hit 77 last night. Went and bought my slow bird. :D
Now to go blow 1k gold on cold weather flying, then grind to 5k for epic bird. :( So, so close. I'll be at almost 3k once I get the training done. :/
Obligatory Murloc quest screenshot:
Yeah, I know, I did one for my druid, but it's different. >.> lol
And now, something completely random:
My belf hunter I rolled on Cenarion Circle. Yes, there's a reason why he's naked and dancing. No, I will not say why. :P lol