Dec 05, 2004 17:01
k this weekend my family came down from L.A my grnadma and my grandpa and my tia
yole` and my little cousin megan. it was fun, until my granma and tia left me for four
hours! *i know!!* but when they came back i told that to my grandma she felt soo bad,
then i felt bad for making her feel bad. It so on. They went to the store and bought a
hole butch of food. then this morning they made us a good old fashion mexican breakfist
(said my grandma) with beans, eggs, loads of bacon, tortilla. Which i ate way too much and i have never seen my stomache get that big. Then when me and my tia, and grandma were in the t.v room and we were talking and they don't know english very well, so they
fill in what thye don't of english with spanish. So i kept on asking what they were saying, and they kept on making fun of me, saying that im such a gringo, they crack. Ahaahahahahahh it was soo funny my grandma was talking to me in spanish and i was all like umm yeah hello don't speak spanish, my grandma goes oh thats right i forgot ur white. hahahahaahahahhahhaha she cracks me up.
lol k my tia's car alarm kept on going off. it went of 8 times last night and three today, and my tia was getting worried becasue it nevers does that at home, so went it off again i ran outside really fast, and thier was this hooded figure coming from behind the car and went into the nextdoors house. So it was prolly a joke from next door, but it was pretty funny.
i found a hole bunch of e-mail adrese that were my freinds from germany, so i e-mialed then yesterday, and they e-mailed me back and they were soo happy to hear from me, and was like whoa i didn't think that they missed me that much, and they kept on going off that they were happy, and when an i comin back to visit. i was thinking......... i don't want to hurt anybody feelings don't take it the wrong way... but they were the nicest people and the sweetest, and like they actually like me... and i was thinking that if i was to go away from here would poeple really miss me. And i tink to myself when i was in germany i had a hole bunch of freinds and they would call me.. and wanted to hang out.i think that i would be more busy in germany filling up my weekends whith freinds, then being here and have nobody call me.
agin no hurting of feelings
but if you made it this far then i give you masses props