House party at the GDF and MITHRIL's invited

Apr 13, 2010 20:04

[As if reading from a prompter.]

"Due to unavoidable circumstances, MITHRIL forces were, for a short time, unable to maintain working relationships with the GDF. We are glad to re-establish professional relationships with the GDF forces and so..."

Jeez, this goes on for pages. [She tosses aside the pre written speech she was supposed to read.]

Read more... )

sousuke, ennil, katina, lamia

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grandtheftmecha April 14 2010, 03:32:29 UTC
I woulda had to sock you if you'd read that.

With all that's happened it's real good to have you back and in one piece.


urzu2 April 14 2010, 03:48:16 UTC
There were a lot of times when I read reports about all the shit you guys deal with and I wanted to come back, but... You know, orders are orders.

We had some pretty hairy fights ourselves, but they weren't exactly the kind of front page news stuff the GDF handles.


grandtheftmecha April 14 2010, 03:56:03 UTC
That's how things work out. I know a few guys from my old unit who I'm sure would love to be out there with the GDF.

It's been so up and down. We beat back one of those things that destroyed the old base, and Shiro and Kira blew up again... but that colony drop was just awful...


urzu2 April 14 2010, 04:28:38 UTC
Shit, I was in one of the cities that got hit by the debris. True story. That was an exciting night.


grandtheftmecha April 14 2010, 04:32:33 UTC
Damn that must've been insane... actually glad I didn't know you were there, I was already about to have a heart attack over the debris coming down over North America.


urzu2 April 14 2010, 04:50:56 UTC
Turns out the debris landed on a drug factory in Venezuela that we were figuring out how to deal with, so justice was served.


grandtheftmecha April 14 2010, 04:58:52 UTC
...huh. Guess some good had to come of it.

You been holdin' up alright then, huh?


urzu2 April 14 2010, 05:21:56 UTC
Relieved I don't have to spend half my time on a submarine anymore.


grandtheftmecha April 14 2010, 13:18:59 UTC
I'd go nuts stuck in a sub for more than a few days.


urzu2 April 14 2010, 18:07:22 UTC
The De Daanan isn't as bad as regular subs, but it gets more than a bit cramped after a few days.


grandtheftmecha April 14 2010, 18:59:33 UTC
I'd spend my whole career Earthside and above water if I could swing it.


urzu2 April 14 2010, 19:10:06 UTC
And you'd be better for it.


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