::This is me extremely bored::
[Current Clothes ] incubus shirt. star boxers
[ Current Mood ] alone
[ Current Music ] FSF- I am
[ Current Taste ] tea
[Current Make-up ] none
[ Current Hair ] blah
[ Current Annoyance ] mono, sick
[ Current Smell ] ..air?
[ Current Favorite Artist ] art: S. Dali, MC Escher, B. Boyd
[ Current Desktop Picture ] exploiding dog art
[ Current Favorite Group ] bright eyes, FSF, TBS
[ Current Book you're reading ] summer reading...A Seperate Peice
[ Current CD in CD Player] LTJ-hello rockview
[ Current DVD in player] One Hour Photo
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] french manicure
[ Current Refreshment ] tea
[ Current Worry ] hmm.....life
[ You Touched ] mommy
[ You Talked to ] lisa
[ You Hugged ] Lauren
[ You Instant messaged ] Brandon
[ You Yelled At ] my dog
[ You Kissed ] ughhh
[ Food ] sushi
[ Drink ] grape fanta, water, green tea
[ Color ] Orange, Green, Red, and Purple
[ Album ] too many...
[ Shoes ] black reefs...REPRESENT
[ Candy ] gummy stuff....
[ Animal ] snakes,doggys
[ TV Show ] real world,real TV, jeopardy
[ Movie ] reality bites, anything adam sandler, french kiss, shrek, ferris buellers day off, breakfast club
[ Song ] ahh soo many right now...
[ Fruit ] orange, pineapple
[ Cartoon ] simpsons, family guy, southpark
[ Understanding ] kinda
[ Open-minded ] yes
[ Arrogant ] somtimes
[ Insecure ] most definitly
[ Interesting ] if you think so
[ Random ] haha yaaa
[ Hungry ] nope
[ Friendly ] as much as i can be
[ Smart ] in some areas...commen sence..NO
[ Moody ] pms
[ Childish ] depends
[ Hard working ] sorta
[ Organized ] yess
[ Healthy ] kinda
[ Emotionally Stable ] i guess so
[ Shy ] only with some people...indimadation is a weakness
[ Difficult ] nah
[ Attractive ] i think so
[ Bored Easily ] depends what im doing
[ Messy ] sure
[ Thirsty ] no
[ Responsible ] somewhat
[ obsessed] with sushi
[ Angry ] not right now
[ Sad ] sorta
[ Happy ] eh
|Hyper ] nope
[ Trusting ] most gullible person you will ever meet
[ Talkative ] yessss
[ Legal ] only 15
[ Kill ] not kill...just injure badly...narrisa!!! grrr
[ Slap ] yo mama
[ Get Really Wasted With ] nickkkk lolol...
[ Get High With ] nobody
[ Look Like ] uhh....
[ Talk To Offline ] brandon
[ Talk To Online ] brandon
[my name is] amanda
[in the morning i am]: completely incoherent
[all i need is]: lube and a copy of "naked gays: a bare backed lifestyle"
[love is]: just as important as oxygen
[im afraid of]: death, car accidents, clowns, certain words, furbys.....
[i dream about]: goin to USC, have fun, get good job, love life
-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[pictured your crush naked?]: hehehehe
[actually seen ur crush naked]: nope
[been in love]: yes
[cried when someone died]: of course
[lied]: try not to
-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or pepsi]: coke
[flowers or candy]: flowers
[tall or short]: tall
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do u notice first?]: eyes, hair, teeth
[last person u slow danced with]: michael
[worst question to ask]: are those real?
-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?]: everyone! probably.....bob....or........nick
[makes you smile]: Everyone
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them]: brandon...but i dont see him lol....
[who do you have a crush on?]: same as above
[has a crush on u?]: .......brandoo!
[easier to talk to]: Lorri
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. u?]: yeah
[save aol/aim conversations]: i have a log manager
[wish u were a member of the opposite sex]: no..just to jack off
[cried because of someone saying something to u]: yah, definitely...
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for ur best friend]: yes...
[been rejected]: it sucks
[rejected someone]: yes. :-(
[used someone]: no
[been cheated on]: yes..both ways
[done something u regret]: try not to....but yes
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]: no way
[could u live without the computer?]: definitely not
[color ur hair]: havent yet
[ever get off the damn computer]: no, it just doesn't happen
[habla espanol]: huh?
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: 194
[drink alchohol?]: somtimes
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: i like to but i rarly do
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: tough question....errr......emotional
-N U M B E R-
of times i have had my heart broken? : 3
of hearts i have broken? : umm i think 1??
of girls i have kissed? : no comment lolol
of continents i have lived in? : 2
of tight friends? : many :-)
of cd's that i own? : quite a few
The head blob! Think hard enough and there you
which rejected character are you? brought to you by