Jan 02, 2005 16:52
in 2004:
Most memorable moment with your family:swimming with the dolphins in Tortola
Most memorable moment with your friends: omg so many
Most memorable summer memory: st. thomas/tortola n hershey park/philly
Most memorable embarrassing moment: i dont have ne
....in 2004?
What was the most played song? yeah by usher or just loose it by eminem
What was your longest relationship? 1-2 years
Most amount of cash you saved up? about $300-400 for a florida or st. thomas trip
What was "your words"? wht the hell
Most hated thing about yourself? i didnt lose tht much weight this yr
What was your favorite store? lane bryant
Who was your best friend? joanna
Did you have a birthday party/ Sleepovr: no but i celebrated it in school n i am having a sweet 16
How Many...in 2004?
How many cel phones did you have? 2
How many xangas/live journals did you make? 2 (1 xanga, 1 live journal)
How many AIM sns did you make? 0
How many Fist fights did you get into? none
How many did you win? read the last question
How many bones did you break? How? 0
How many times did you sneeze in a row? it depends.. my record is 12
How many time you screamed in a movie at something you thought was scary,but it was obviously not to the other people? none?
Favorites in 2004…
Favorite pair of shoes: slippers
Favorite color pen: black
Favorite candy:gum
Favorite fast food place: mcdonalds
Will that be the same next year? prob
Favorite "chill spot": st. thomas...but if i have choose inside the US it would prolly be my room
Favorite Halloween candy: anything reeses
Favorite movie: peter pan lol irene
Birthday Gift? from who? prolly my $1500 clarinet
Christmas/ Hanukah Gift(s)? from who? my ipod, photo printer, webcam, digi camera from my parents
Trend in 2004? i think slippers/pj pants
Radio station in 2004? z100s
Music Artist for 2004? i think jesse mccartney..but i think it was really usher
In 2Oo5 Do You Think...
You`ll spend more time with family? yea
Eat healthier? I hope so
Change? idk
Will your friends notice? yea prolly
You will change a bad habit that you had in 2004? i dont have really ne bad habits
You`ll try out for any after-school activites? yupp
You will try a new food? yupp
You will try any extreme sports, like bungee jumping or rock climbing? yea ok
you will change your sleeping habits? whts rong with my sleeping habits now?!