Apr 13, 2013 07:24

Originally posted by faradakiut at 748

Sho: Recently, I’ve been thinking about something.
Masaki: What is it? What is it?
Sho: Well, it’s something to do with you (laugh)
Masaki: ooh
Sho: Well, when I go to the baths in the hotel, you’re also there pretty much every time.
Masaki: Yeah. Recently, I’ve been seeing you a lot (laugh)
Sho: Yeah, well, I don’t really mind but would you please stop staring at my body?!
Masaki: I’m not looking-!
Sho: No, you’re definitely looking (laugh)
Masaki: ….But it’s because that body says “look”!!
Sho: So you have been looking! (laugh) I knew it (laugh). But what’s with “that body”? (laugh) People will misunderstand!!
Masaki: Well, it’s obvious isn’t it? We have such a relationship ♡ so, everyone please don’t misunderstand! [1]
Sho: (laugh) OI!! You’re making it worse!
Masaki: Muhuhuhuhu
[1] Aiba may be innocently saying they are close friends but it comes off as something else lol

translation credit: niyoels@tumblr

original post [here]
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