Title: The Destiny of a Lone Wolf
Author: urulover_426
Part: 29/?
Bands: *takes a deep breath* The GazettE, Alice Nine, Despairs Ray, Nightmare, SuG, Girugamesh, Vidoll, An Cafe, Danger Gang, D, solo artists Mika Nakashima and Aikawa Nanase...I think that's everyone...LOL! (at least for now) This is really becoming an all-star cast
Genre: AU, action, romance
Warnings: none for this chapter
Disclaimer: I have tried to buy them, but they claim they're not for sale. Oh well. I do not own the Gazette or any of jrock member mentioned in this story. I don't even know them therefore, I am making no money off of them. Any mention of names and places that may reflect those of real life are purely coincidental - except the Gazette, I do that on purpose! HA HA HA!!!
Rating: PG to NC-17 depending on the chapter.
Pairing: Aoi/?, Reita/Uruha
Summary: The prequel to The Curse of Loneliness and the second part to The Kiss of the Black Dragon. This takes place two years after the first, and it's the one that everyone seemed to be wait for. Aoi makes his first appearance as Yuu Shiroyama, the young man who gambled his present - and ended up losing his future. You know the story. So let's get it started.
Note: Keep in mind that this story will be darker than the first half. The characters you knew in part one have lost their innocence...and possibly their appeal. You have been warned.
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