Oct 18, 2002 02:27
I am an Edward Norton fangirl. I'd rather not use the term "fangirl" because of the notations it comes with, but that's what I am for a lack of any other word. I like Edward Norton because he's a brilliant actor. I also think that, yes, he is very good looking.
Like all of my "obsessions," I tend to enjoy researching. Norton's no exception. I like to learn how people think; what makes them tick. While I kind of draw the line at people (there's a thing called privacy), I do try to find out at least a little bit about the actor himself. Depending on the website I find, I may learn a bit more than I ought to know but the thing here is that I'm not going out of my way to learn every single little detail about Edward Norton that there is to know. I may talk about him a lot, but that's natural when someone's enthusiastic about something or someone... as far as I'm concerned anyhow.
My problem here is that people automatically think that I (and others similar to myself) am interested in Edward Norton because I think he's hot. Yes, he's undeniably good looking but I love the way he can take on any role and play it so convincingly. I know that there's people out there who think I'm just trying to cover up my shallowness but if you don't believe me, then fuck you. Really. I may be somewhat shameless in being a fan of Edward Norton but considering that I'm not "shallow" about much of anything, I feel as if it's a rather unjustified accusation. In any case, it doesn't matter what you think. Opinions of other people shouldn't be influencing how I act or what I like and I plan to keep it that way.