So, after
reading this interesting little article, I decided that I will be moving out of my apartment sometime by next spring.
I've thought about moving a couple times before this but always put it off because it was too much of a bother. There's nothing really wrong with my current apartment, I actually enjoy living here now for the most part. I've grown to be a little attached to the place, having lived here for nearly two years now. But things always change, I guess.
I used to pay $900 for my apartment but after the first year, the greedy owners of the building increased my rent to $923. I'm absolutely 100% sure that they're going to do it again this November and after reading the linked article above, I'm going to have to pay even more with the new garbage tax. Whatever amount they end up charging me, I'll be paying almost $1000 for a single bedroom apartment and that's way too much for me.
I also REALLY hate the fact that everyone in the same building is going to have to pay the same amount for however much garbage they produce. I recycle about 80% of my waste but I'll still have to pay the same amount as someone else who only recycles about 20%. It's ridiculous; there's absolutely no way to measure individual units, so we shouldn't all have to pay the same amount.
Anyway, for my own sanity, pros and cons for moving:
- Pay less rent
- Option to live closer to work and my bf
- No freaking false fire alarms!
- Can pay off line of credit faster
- No annoying neighbours (hopefully)
- May have the opportunity to paint
- Commute to work reduced by at least 30 minutes
- Have to have first and last month's rent available
- Have to pack *everything* up and then unpack it in the new place
- Have to spend money on movers
- Lots of free time will be spent looking at apartments and trying to find good ones
...Yeah, lots more pros than cons. >_>; Being closer to work and to Jer means that I save a lot of time commuting, which means I have more time at home, more time to sleep in, etc. And paying less rent is also a bonus because then I can get my line of credit paid off faster and I'll have more money to save up afterwards.
So, time to go look at places now, I guess. :P