Well, this weekend was rather productive! I went out shopping with Jer on Saturday... we pretty much went everywhere downtown and I ended up coming back with season one of Arrested Development, a WoW trading card game starter pack, a Skullduggery board game, the paperback version of Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys (finally!), an awesomely cute little Gloomy Bear figure, the first three issues of the new on-going Wonder Woman series and the first three issues of Heroes for Hire.
I'm glad that I finally got Arrested Development on DVD... I used to have season three but that conveniently disappeared when I moved out of the old apartment. :P At least it's still relatively cheap. I'm hoping to get a few people hooked on it... it's a really weird show to try to get into. I remember watching an episode on TV and watching a few episodes with friends a while back, and I thought the show was shit. None of it made sense and it was all really lame. Then I watched the first episode and the next few after it and got totally hooked. It's such a well-written, clever series. I frigging love it. XD
The WoW trading card game is pretty sweet... It comes in this really sexy plastic case that holds cards (holds way more than what it comes with) and it comes with three giant "oversized" cards. I haven't really sat down and looked at the rule system yet but I'm definitely going to get more since each pack seems to come with UDE points that you can cash in for stuff and you also get a chance to find Loot cards, which give you stuff in the actual game. Feature codes are great. ♥
Skullduggery is really fucking cool too. I've been meaning to get a board game or two for a while now, so that I have something to do when people come over, so Jer and I stopped in at the Calendar Club in the Eaton's Center. I managed to find Skullduggery on the top of one of the shelves and man... talk about a game completely fashioned for me. XD It's a game where you play one of four pirates and your goal is to be the first to find the burried treasure. You get square tiles that each have a different terrain and you ultimately use them to create the island. It's different every time because on each turn, you get the option to move a tile and alter the path of yourself and of the other players. :3 It's such a neat idea. I'm looking forward to sitting down and playing it.
The Wonder Woman comics are great too. Illustrated by the Dodson's, how could I resist? ;P It's actually a really interesting story to get into... I've always liked Wonder Woman and how her series is so connected to the gods, so it's neat to finally get into it. And the Dodsons do the sexiest comic book art EVAR. XD I haven't gotten a chance to read Heroes for Hire yet (but it has the Black Cat in it! ♥), nor Anansi Boys. I know Anansi Boys will be absolutely brilliant though. :3
I tried to find the Muppet Show for cheap but the lowest I could find it was at $50. :X I also tried to find the Muppet Christmas Special (the one where the muppets from the Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock and Sesame Street all get together) on DVD but absolutely no luck. Talk about a hard find. I know Erin at work has a copy of it so maybe she'd let me get a rip of it. :X
Anyway, enough verbal abuse from me! :D
Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 20%
Sure, no job is perfect - but yours is pretty close.
You're resepcted by your co-workers and boss.
Plus, you usually get credit for your succcesses.
Don't quit, unless you know you've got something better lined up.
Should You Quit Your Job? Sounds about right... now if only the pay was better and we got more vacation time... ;P