I really fucking hate people who interrupt your conversation with someone because they're that desperate to prove that they know something.
Case in point... for the last month or so, a girl who's in the film production program has been sitting in the PC lab, working on god knows what for her work. Now, I have absolutely no problem sharing the facilities with someone who needs it and who is allowed to be in here during the summer, but only if it's for someone who isn't a retarded fucking idiot. This girl has constantly tried to "join in" on our conversations by eavesdropping and loudly adding in her comments from across the room. We've just outright ignored her and though it took her an abnormally long time to catch on, she eventually stopped (for the most part, which I will get to in a moment). What hasn't stopped is her randomly staring at me or other people in the room, which is highly fucking annoying. I remember
ame_agari saying that while I was away in Toronto a while ago, she would come up here, sit behind him, and then stare at whatever he was watching on his break. Very agitating.
Now, I'm sitting here, trying to organize a facilities and services set of links for the college web site, using the list currently online. I had classified "library" under services but I decided to ask Mike if it shouldn't be listed under facilities instead. Before he can even say anything, loud-mouth bitch over here decides to answer for him by saying, "Library is a service." Ignoring her, I continue discussing this with Mike, who said it was listed under services in the calendar. I tell him my reasoning for wondering where it should be listed since the library is a fine line between the two, being that it offers services but also is a facility. The Fitness Centre, for example, is a facility even though it offers services for people. So loud-mouth here decides that she absolutely has to reaffirm herself by reciting loudly to us, "A service is offering something for all students, so the library is a service."
.... At this point, it was immensely difficult not to turn around and tell her, "Good for you, you know what a fucking service is. So now, why don't you do me one and shut the fuck up and get the hell out." -_-
Seriously, are you that desperate to prove that you know one bit of knowledge, that you'd try to shove it into someone's face when you're not even being asked? I have a real problem with these sorts of people, regardless of the experience they've had to make them this way. If I don't know you, don't ever speak to you, don't try to tell me things I'm not asking you to tell me. Butt out. Stop trying to worm your way into my conversations with other people. If I care to know what you have to say, I'll ask you myself, thank you very much.