Title: Best Friends
Author: uRufu
Characters: YamaJimaChii, Yuto-centric
Genre: Friendship, angst, fluff
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Don’t own them… Aaaaa I miss YamaJimaChii… Too much YamaChii make my head spinning
Summary: Yuto’s feeling about his two best friends (I couldn’t think of proper title and summary… >,<)
Love Love Love and Peace!! )
yeah, we miss YAMAJIMACHII !!
and don't debut NYC !!
it's not like i dn't lke them, it's just. .won't it be a trouble if NYC is debuted ??
since YamaChii has HSJ and the rest are NY w/ BIS rite ??
ahh, here i rant over again. .
anyway, LUV this a lot !!!
Too bad, NYC is already debut... I don't want YamaChii to become like Ryo Nishikido... That will be so hard for them :(((
Thank you very much!!!
i'm choo sad. .
i still can't accept that though. .
*go to the corner and sulk*
Yeah... I'm choo sad too... Until now I still don't want to listen NYC's previous songs... Hiksu ;_;
it's not like i hate them, it's just, it's hard to accept. .
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