Title: HSJ Mini Fanfics (Part 5) Hikaru Edition
Author: urufu
Pairing, Genre, and Rating are various
Notes: Each story will be very very short and will only have less than 140 characters (like when you post one tweet on twitter). And one story won’t be connected with the next story :) It’s Hikka’s birthday, yo~ ♥
"I'm thristy..." Hikaru gladly gives his drink to Yamada. He forgets that it is tomato juice on his grip.
"T-That old man was touching me..." after little Ryutaro said that, Hikaru rushes to Johnny's house bringing a gun.
Hikaru knows he loves Miori. And he knows she feels the same. But, he’s such a coward that Tamamori takes her away from him.
"I don't think wearing braces is a great idea," was Takaki’s respond to Hikaru's next plan. “Your bucktooth is your charm, you know that?”
No one realizes. They just can’t see it, because Hikaru always puts up a happy face. No one realizes that, actually, he’s suffering inside.
“Minna... Actually, I’m Itano Tomomi’s twin. We separated when we were still kids...” Of course, no one believes him. Except Keito, maybe.
“Yuto, try this~ I made it by myself!” After Yuto stuffed the cake into his mouth, he holds himself so he won’t throw up in front of Hikaru.
Hikaru never feels this angry. Never. But he just can’t stand it when Yamada repeats Ryutaro’s mistake. So he slaps him. Hard.
He just blushed when the beautiful Kojima Haruna asked him sweetly, “Would Yaotome-kun teach me how to play bass?”
Hikaru doesn’t hate A-chan. Instead, he kinda likes her. But her whiskered laugh is so much like a cat’s that it’s scaring him.
"He'll be back," Hikaru encouraged his bandmates. "Ryutaro just needs some more time to improve himself."
Seeing Inoo all happy with his college life makes Hikaru secretly regret his decision not continuing his education further.
“Nya~ Nyaa~” Hikaru froze in front of JUMP’s room, then he ran away after hearing cat’s voice from inside. But actually, it was just Chinen.
~ I fail at this. Haha. My brain has stopped functioning .__.
~ Tomorrow I’ll post the next part again, but maybe it will be the last part.
~ Thank you for reading! ♥