Jun 16, 2009 12:54
Shut the fuck up!
You're just a useless furniture in the room called my ego
I'd never feel sorry for a shitface if it's not mine
You break? - fuck it - I break you? - thank me!
see, my smile's just fake like your sick laugh
my toilet is your mouth wide open to be filled with shit
what's the point in beeing blind if you can see me
fucking your mind?
Always there, never stop, forever lovely dead to be reanimated
watch my fist going up your ass
because you seem to like it - more than me
holy slut with blood crawling down her thighs
the way the demons like it and the cripples too
like a jerk you love to be stepped on
fucking idiot, you still think you have rights?
I am your god and god enjoys kneeling scum
makes me feel better to see you falling before me
selfishness is my moral and my prayer
fuck with me? - I'll fuck with you - what the fuck? fuck off!