It's like in the times of the dictatorships in South America (but in fact it's much worse)

Aug 08, 2006 12:48

Just read today in the Toronto Star: A CIA guy is in trial for torturing an Afghan prisoner to death. The description of the things he did is so repugnant I wont write them down here. The Afghan man had turned himself in voluntarily at the gates of the military base, trying to clear his name of an accusation. After being "interrogated" by the CIA guy, however, he begged the prison guards to shoot him, so as to end his misery. They didn't, and he died of the injuries after two days.

David Passaro, the CIA guy, said he was operating "under special rules". His lawyer says "he's guilty only of trying to serve his country."

Beautiful way of serving you country, Mr. Passaro. Torturing a defenseless man to death.

Where's America, the land of freedom and justice? Why are the American people putting up with it? To me it smells like the dictatorships in Africa and Latin America of 30 years ago. The difference is that in those, the American government would rather send their CIA men to
teach local army and policemen torture techniques. Now they are putting their hands on the dough. Publicly. Like in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. And the "dough" is arguably composed of many, many innocent people. Not that they should be torturing guilty people, by the way.

This is not America.

Or is it?

David Passaro, torturer and murderer
Is this the new face of America?

Details of the story on this local newspaper from Raleigh, where Passaro's trial is being conducted: | Afghan's deadly beating detailed | CIA contractor witness: Passaro admitted striking, kicking detainee

torture, america, human-rights

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