FIC: A drabble collection

Jun 20, 2012 23:16

Title: A drabble collection
Author: misumaru
Rating: PG-13 to R
Content: bondage, begging
Disclaimer: I do not own The GazettE.
Summary: 4 random drabbles, mostly written for the kink_bingo December mini challenge, with a few new ones thrown in.

NB: all links go to the same page.

Bodies and body parts (Kai/Uruha):
Uruha feels Kai's hand before he sees it

Begging (Uruha/Kai):
Uruha's developed his begging into a fine art

Bondage (wrist/ankle restraints): (Uruha/Kai):
Uruha can guess, but he wants to hear Kai say it

Magazines (Uruha/Kai)
Uruha doesn't normally make a habit of buying their magazine appearances

!fanfiction: kai/uruha, rating: r, !fanfiction: uruha/kai, rating: pg-13, !fanart

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