Title: The Hunted
ldybastetPairing: Uruha/Kai
Summary: Kai doesn't know if he's starting to get paranoid, or if someone really is out to get him. In his line of work it doesn't hurt to be extra careful, but sometimes careful isn't enough...
Rating: NC-17/Adult/Wild
Content: AU. Kidnapping, interrogation, bondage, blindfolds, mild torture, knifeplay, edging/orgasm denial, table sex, rough sex, dubious consent...
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the GazettE or PSC, and have no knowledge of what is happening in their lives, apart from what is revealed in interviews and on Twitter. This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to real events or people is purely coincidental. No disrespect is intended and I earn no money from this.
Notes: ~4100 words. This is a sequel to the Assassin AU,
The Hunter, I wrote way back. Note that this is not a band fic, and that all characters in this story live vastly different and very dangerous lives. Written for the interrogation/kidnapping square on my
seasonofkink card. Beta by the ever wonderful miss
The Hunted