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urtica_monoica January 22 2019, 21:54:48 UTC

Are the Greyjoy family idiots?

The Ironborn make no sense. They are either completely impossible or hopeless hypocrites.

We know in the show they are hypocrites. They have to be. The Greyjoys aren’t at war with any of Westeros, they live under a banner of peace. They are also on the OTHER side of Westeros from the other nations of ASOIAF world. Who were they raiding all this time? Wildlings? They give Theon shit when he returns, talking about how fancy he is and how he never paid the “iron price”. There is no fucking way that all that the Ironborn own is paid with by the “iron price”. They either had to trade all the fish they were catching for goods and trinkets, or they begged for it like good little defeated wimps. So that is the hypocrisy. There is no chance the Ironborn supported their entire society (as hobo-ish as it is) with raiding.

But raiding is out. What about piracy? We know piracy exists. All the iron islanders fly banners, look the same, dress the same, and have very recognizable ships. How in the world does it make sense that a noble house and its people can subsist on piracy of such scale? How is it possible that the rest of the world doesn’t just go and crush them for being pirate scum?

In the books they even view paying the gold they got from piracy as being an affront. How in the world does their society work at all, in that case? They can’t trade, they can’t buy. It’s just take, take, take. Iron price is everything. How do you pay the people who fight for you? I could see how you could motivate men to follow you - hard places breed hard men, and hard men like to fight.

But the iron born get their asses kicked all the time. They only truly become relevant when years of war have depleted the manpower of Westeros and open war means they can start to raid again. They lost wars and becomes vassals to the Starks. Such a defeat eliminates all motivation that people have to follow the Greyjoys. They can’t get paid, they aren’t allowed to raid, it is impossible to get all they need with piracy alone.

Now we come to the rest of Westeros. They have this society that insists that they live only by raiding and piracy. Why, for the sake of the old gods and the new, does the rest of Westeros allow an entire kingdom of pirates to live? They have pledged to never spend money or to make their own wares… only to steal them from everyone else. Every Ironborn is, in reality, a sworn outlaw.

So, in actuallity, the whole Ironborn storyline is both hypocritical and makes no sense. All they are is a plot device to have (yet another) someone to fight and insert into the story to shake things up. All of their actions are motivated by the following motivations (so as to make them unpredicatble but for it to make sense for them to just throw themselves into the dumbest situations):
1. “Poor me, everybody hates us, nobody will ever treat us fair.”
2. “We pay the iron price for everything, even when we get our asses beat. It’s the only way.”

Еще одни любители посидеть на двух стульях. "Нас никто не любит" у них волшебным образом сочетается с "Мы оставляем за собой право жить грабежами и пиратством".


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