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urtica_monoica December 25 2018, 14:21:18 UTC

Does Joffrey Baratheon have any redeeming qualities?

It's been pointed out that, almost every time Joffrey expressed an idea about how a kingdom should be governed, he's actually been right. He was right that a centralized royal army would be more efficient and effective than the feudal system they live under. He was right to take the threat of Dany and her dragons so seriously, and he was right to be pissed about the king being excluded from the bulk of the decision-making processes. Now, he wasn't bright enough or effective enough to actually do anything about any of those things, but he was on the right track.

The thing is, his obvious sadism and delight in exercising power over others is his most obvious personality trait. If he'd grown up different, with some sense of empathy, who knows how he might have ended up? Being raised by an appallingly self-indulgent killer with a lust for violence and a Machiavellian schemer who's clearly been manipulating him since the cradle is not a recipe for a healthy mindset.

None of this is to excuse Joffrey, who's clearly as revolting a character as you're likely to encounter. It's just a comment on the importance of upbringing. In another universe, with different parents, he might have had the potential to be a decent king.


// Being raised by an appallingly self-indulgent killer with a lust for violence... //
Интересно тогда, отчего Серсея выросла такой садисткой. Кто и как повлияли на становление ее характера.


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