Apr 08, 2011 08:42
This one's easy, as I only ever really played one. I played the first one way back when, but got irritated really quickly as the deck was unfairly stacked against me and the controls blew. Two encounters in, out of bullets, can only kick, but each kick also hurt me? Yeah, that's not fun.
I played twenty minutes of RE 2 then died at the first real encounter and had to start over. Yeah, that's not my scene.
I also played one playthrough of one that was an on-rails shooter, and that was fun, but I had forgotten all about it until just now, so that shows you how powerful an experience it was in the end.
But RE 4? That was a good one. In fact, I'd even call it a great one. Great atmosphere, great setpieces, terrible writing and acting, with a ridiculous story and a dumb ass boat race at the end?
It did have a great camera set up, a good variety of tools and weapons, a neat inventory system and some very intense moments. RE 4 is not without its problems, but I had a great week with it and would play it again one day.
But none of them are scary.