i did about a week of the following prayer:
Prayer At Rising
Thou Gods of moon and sun,
Thou Gods of stars beloved,
Thou Gods knowest our need,
O Thou merciful Gods of life.
Each day that we move,
Each time that we awaken
Causing vexation and gloom Bringing glory and honor (still working on this)
To the Gods of hosts Who loved us.
Be with us through each day,
Be with us through each night;
Be with us each night and day,
Be with us each day and night.
i like this one a lot. i still need to work on the one line above.
i tried the 2nd on my
list but it would take more work and seemed unwieldy.
the 3rd on the list is okay. haven't been saying it but for about 2 days and i'm lucky this week to get any prayer time in the mornings because we have been pushing things time wise to get out of the door on time for work.
i think i have finally used up the smudge stick-i can take it outside and give it back-but that brings up issues regarding the motions i've been going through. i'm still working thru concerns about cultural appropriation by using smudge sticks-specifically sage. i saw an interesting set of prayers that poured water, but i'm thinking with my morning rush-how practical would that be for m? i may go to incense sticks that i can easily put out. i'm partial to smells.
hmm...i got called away from my desk and now i don't remember what i was going to say-the hazards of posting while at work. i guess this is a good indication that i should finish this entry ;-)